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Your Stories: Happy Mum

Writer's picture: Anonymous ContributorAnonymous Contributor

Updated: May 29, 2020

There are so many experiences that I could share about my children. I consider myself a motherly mother who likes to be involved in all aspects of their lives. I love hugs, kisses and carrying my children around, it makes me feel loved and needed but not in a needy way, more of a "I need you mummy way." I remember feeding my first born in the middle of the nights and just absorbing the cuddles and taking in every minute of every cuddle. My first born would sleep in my arms for naps during the day for hours because I had the time, I didn't work and it was just him and I during the days and I had nothing else I'd rather be doing. In hindsight, I probably did too much for him as he didn't want to do anything for himself including put food up to his mouth until he was well over 2 but that didn't matter to me as he needed me and soon caught up! I am so glad I got all the cuddles and kisses from him then as now days he isn't an affectionate person at all, he hates kisses from anyone and only wants to cuddle his sister! However at night time he won't go to sleep unless myself or daddy are there with him laying next to him. If I am there, he always asks if I can wrap my arms around him or he lays partly on me, almost so he knows I'm not going anywhere and 99% of the time he wants me. Some people I guess wouldn't have the time to lay there or the patience, however I feel it won't be forever that he wants to do this and before I know it he won't want to cuddle me at all! I often wonder why he doesn't like affection now when it's not like he was neglected as a kid! He even hates any physical contact by his school mates too so it's not just his mum. At least I have my memories and photos to look at of him and from when he was a newborn until now of us snuggling.

My daughter is the complete opposite of personalities and that was very easy to tell from the word go. Although she's only a toddler, I often wonder what she'll be like when she is at the age of her brother. She is a big mummy's girl. Mummy has to do everything and I secretly love it. My mum is the only other person that is allowed to do things for her if we have both lots of grandparents over too. She kisses and cuddles me and runs to the door when I get home and wants to be picked up. I do sometimes treat her like the baby but she acts like it and loves it and so do I. She is also very independent and a go getter and was from about 9 months. She loves to go to sleep laying in between my legs with her head on my tummy and says she wants to lay like a baby! She's done that for as long as I can remember. When she was born she didn't get the cuddles like my son had as, being second child, when she was sleeping I wanted to play with my son, so she never slept in my arms for more than a few minutes. Now days she somehow creeps into our bed every night and wants cuddles from about 3.30am onwards and I love it. Again, I think it won't be long before she wants her own space and time goes so quickly. I remember my Mother in law once telling me that when I was pregnant with her that I'd have to stop laying in bed with my eldest at night time when he went to sleep as I couldn't do that when the second baby came. I said why not? Why can't the baby just lay with us and it can adjust? I feel like I was so much more confident with my second, and if I want to cuddle them, or sleep in their bed, then I will cos they love it and so do I! There are so many scenarios and times I could reminisce the list would go forever.


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